What You Need to Know Before Buying a Sapphire Engagement Ring

Although engagement rings are traditionally made up of diamonds, sapphire engagement rings have recently surged in popularity. Perhaps Kate Middleton’s unmistakable 18-carat sapphire ring has something to do with the high demand, or perhaps it is the undeniable beauty of a flash of color on the left hand that leaves a bride-to-be speechless. Whatever the reason might be, a sapphire engagement ring remains a solid choice for those looking to have an elegant, yet more unique, engagement ring.

Sapphire Engagement Ring History

The legends surrounding the sapphire make the gemstone increasingly more desirable. In ancient times, sapphires were said to have medicinal and protective powers, while in medieval times, they were said to be symbolic of honesty and wisdom. Engagement rings with sapphires first appeared in Rome in the thirteenth century when it was thought that a sapphire’s color would change if it was worn by a dishonest or impure person. However, it was not until the fourteenth or fifteenth centuries when sapphire engagement rings became popular and common. Today, the sapphire proves to be a regal choice for an engagement ring as it once symbolized royalty. Currently, engagement rings with sapphires are best known for their color and durability.

Sapphire Engagement Ring Popularity

Sapphires are made up of the element corundum, but their vivid colors are thanks to the trace amounts of other elements. Blue sapphire engagement rings, the most popular choice, contain iron and titanium, while white sapphires are made up of pure corundum, making the stone colorless. Not only is the blue sapphire the most desirable, but it is also the most valuable because of its rarity. However, sapphires can also be found in pink, purple, orange, yellow, green, and black. No two sapphires are exactly alike, and therefore, a sapphire engagement ring is guaranteed to be one-of-a-kind.

In comparison to other stones, a sapphire is extremely hard and durable. This beauty earns a 9 on the Mohs scale, making it a logical choice for everyday use. One of the major perks of a sapphire is its resistance to chipping; diamonds may be harder, but their crystalline structure does not make them as protective against chips. However, keep in mind that sapphires are much more easily scratched, making it a necessity to take the stone in for extra care such as re-polishing and re-cutting.

Although sapphires tend to look stunning paired with any metal, rose and yellow gold can add an original flair to already unique sapphire engagement rings. For sapphires, however, there is no one “best” metal to pair with them. Each ring depends on the color of the sapphire as well as the way it is cut.