Gemstone Promise Ring Guide

Promise rings symbolize love, loyalty, and commitment and are considered a pre-engagement ring for couples. You can find promise rings in a variety of styles, but gemstone-embellished rings make an eye-catching statement for your partner. Keep reading to learn more about gemstone promise ring options, including how to select the stone, shape, and metal for a perfect gesture of love for your partner.

Gemstone Promise Ring Options

If you’re planning on purchasing an embellished promise ring, then here are some options and considerations to keep in mind, such as styles, stones, shapes, meaning and accent gems.


In general, promise rings are simpler and less flashy than engagement rings. You can select a simple solitaire design with a birthstone or favorite gemstone. It’s a thoughtful, personal promise ring that makes a great impression. You can select your loved one’s favorite metal and even engrave to make the gift more intimate.


Promise stone options are endless–you can select based on a favorite color, birthstone, symbolic color, visual appeal or a favorite gemstone. Browse gemstone options to start thinking of the perfect promise ring for your loved one. Popular choices include ruby, aquamarine, amethyst, blue sapphire, moissanite, topaz, peridot, and black diamond. It’s helpful to browse online so you can see what the ring looks like with the customization options you select. As diamonds are generally used for engagement rings, gemstones can be a great alternative for promise rings. These rings can be worn on the right or left hand.


Like the stone options, you can also select the shape of the gemstone. Gemstones come in round, princess, cushion, emerald, oval, and pear shapes and the cut impacts the overall look of the ring. Typically the shape is based on personal preferences, but popular cuts include round, princess, cushion, and emerald. Browse rings to become familiar with different shapes and how they look on each ring style.


Another consideration for your rings is the emotional meaning behind it. Some choose a three-stone promise ring to represent the past, present, and future of the relationship. This design represents ever-lasting love and carries meaning with it. This is a great design if you want to mix different colored gemstones and shapes.

Accent Gems

An additional option for gemstone promise rings is to add accent diamonds to a center stone. These add sparkle to an already amazing gemstone promise ring and create an eye-catching look. Oftentimes, lab grown diamonds or natural diamonds make for the best accent stones as they are a great balance and compliment for the vivid color of gemstones. They are also cut in a brilliant style, so that they add the maximum amount of sparkle and shine to the promise ring.

Metal Options

In addition to customizing the ring style and gemstone for your promise ring, you can also select the metal for the setting. Popular metals for promise rings include white, rose, and yellow gold and platinum. All of these metal choices are strong, durable and look amazing. You can customize your ring in many different ways including the metal setting: 14K or 18K white, rose or yellow gold or platinum. If your loved one has sensitive skin, then platinum is a good choice because it's hypoallergenic. Platinum also requires little or no maintenance over its lifetime. However, it’s not as affordable as gold.

Gold rings often have added metals (nickel or copper) to increase its strength that some may be allergic to. You can always ask what other metals are in the ring if your partner has sensitive skin. Gold is a strong, long-lasting metal that is affordable. After years of wear, some gold rings require polishing and replating–especially white gold.

Shop Gemstone Rings

Helpful Hints

As you browse for gemstone promise rings, consider the following:

  • • Evaluate each gemstone: Select a stone that has radiant color but is not too light or overly saturated. Every stone is different, so it’s important to carefully look at each one in terms of quality (inclusions, color saturation, cut of stone and sparkle, if applicable).

  • • Research gemstone durability: You want a long-lasting, durable stone in a meaningful gift. A good place to start is looking at each gemstone on the Mohs scale. For example, an emerald is a 7.5 to 8, a ruby is a 9, while a diamond is a 10.

  • • Select a reputable brand: Research the brand to make sure it’s reputable. Also research the return and warranty policies in case you’re dissatisfied with the product or have an issue. Also be sure to work with a brand that can give you the needed details about the look and quality of the gemstone.

  • • Create a budget: Consider your budget as well as your partner’s likes and dislikes into account before you purchase a gemstone promise ring. Look at what type of metals they wear most often and observe what gemstones they prefer.


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